In indigenous Peruvian belief, there is a trinity of sacred animals that represent the universe – the Snake, the Puma, and the Condor. The Puma is seen as the link between the Underworld and Heaven. The Puma represents patience, strength, and wisdom that rises above our normal rational mind.
In Vital Puma Integral Recovery, you want the qualities represented by the Puma. You want to keep grounded and become more aware of the wisdom of your body and our instincts. You also want to connect to all that is larger than you, both confronting and embracing the great unknown future. Integral Recovery requires great patience, plenty of strength, and the desire to tap into your own higher wisdom.
The Puma is a particularly great aid to those who self identify as “men” in recovery. You learn about accountability, responsibility, clarifying what your values are, and then learning how to stand behind them, your mission, and the strength required to be vulnerable. But the Puma is a great aid to people of all genders!
When you invoke symbols like the Puma as part of your narrative in Recovery or with other issues, it may assist you in giving a context to your journey. In Vital Puma Integral Recovery, we can explore your own personal symbol or myth if you choose.
“Integral Recovery” means addressing all the different parts of you, for a fully holistic approach.
Essential Integral Recovery Practices
Waking Up
By developing our ability to access deep meditative states, we gain insight into the nature of our true selves, our reality, and our place in the Kosmos.
Growing Up
In the beginning, growing up means accepting full accountability and responsibility for our lives and our decisions. As we continue our practice, we learn to see the world from additional perspectives, accelerating our evolution to unprecedented levels of development.

Cleaning Up
“Getting clean” is only the beginning. By working deeply with our emotions, we begin to re-integrate our repressed and projected shadow elements. Then, true healing can begin.

Showing Up
Mastery is built through daily practice. Showing up means doing the work. Being accountable. Showing up takes courage in the face in of fear and uncertainty. But when we show up consistently, we quickly develop the grit, resilience, strength of character, and levels of performance that transform our lives.